Studies indicate that limonene from frankincense and bergamot and menthol from peppermint oil can enhance substance penetration through the skin. For those who want to become pregnant, its always best to work closely with a holistic doctor who will run various tests from hormones to a full thyroid panel and even a stool test to see how your gut health is. Diffuse in morning with a drop of Lemon oil after baby goes down for nap. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any essential oilshave not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Learn more about the botanicals used to make Femmetrinol by clicking this link. Having said that, the content I am sharing is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Singles:Blue Cypress, Carrot Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Dill, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Sage, and Wintergreen, Blends:Clarity, Deep Relief*, Exodus II, Panaway, Raven, Relieve It*. sten to Jeffrey Lewis interview Dr. Dan Pur, ser, MD, and Marc Schreuder, Product Development Expert, On our newest product, Progessence Plus and why its so important to get women to start using it. Young Living oils are 100 % pure therapeutic grad essential oils! It could be coincidence but Ive tracked my ovulation for several years and have never ovulated more than once a month. Progessence Plus is a pure serum which includes vitamin e, wild yam, coconut oil and a blend of amazing essential oils such as frankincense and peppermint. Progessence Plus serum, intended only for woman, is a good option for those looking to supplement progesterone levels.Expertly formulated by D. Gary Young and Dr. Dan Purser, Progessence Plus takes pure, USP-grade, super-micronized progesterone from wild yams and combines it with vitamin E and an essential oil serum to easily penetrate the skin for improved delivery. Of course, if you are having any issues with breastfeeding, talk to a lactation consultant. Progessence Plus Serum is made by an essential oils company known as Young Living. 3125 Executive Parkway. advance, nc homes for sale by owner. These can be signs that your body may need some added proper encouragement. I definitely recommend this product (and for women to try it for 6 months before saying it doesnt work). Ive used this several times when Paloma is going through a growth spurt and my milk cant keep up. 3125 Executive Parkway Q. Progessence Plus Serum doesnt have enough of a track record for us to know whether or not its a good product, or if it stacks up against competing progesterone creams. Forcracked nipples, Geranium or Helichrysum oils can be very comforting and soothing. Progessence Plus promotes the creation of progesterone in the body. Seed to Seal and its three pillarsSourcing, Science, and Standardsare infused into every aspect of our exacting essential oil production . Just 1 drop mixed in carrier oil rubbed on belly and/or ankles. If your milk is lagging, you might want to try a little Fennel oil,which provides support forhealthy lactation. Not normally late for my cycle. Id keep using this, but the price keeps rising. 06/11/15. I think I heard from about 3dpo and on but not sure. Progessence Plus Serum does not require the cycling of application sites. This is a natural progesterone-type supplement that can help benefitmany of us who are wanting to promote the best results when conceiving or sustaining pregnancies. You may have to avoid high-intensity workouts, get better sleep and cut back on caffeine. The reason being, the essential oils aren't the key ingredient to Progessence Plus, progesterone derived from wild yams is what makes Progessence Plus what it is. You want to dilute your essential oil to a 1% dilution rate or lesswhen pregnant and breastfeeding. I would be nervous. Each 2 stroke is equivalent to one drop . I like to use 1 drop mixed in raw coconut oil and apply liberally. When it comes to progesterone it is recommended to start taking it at 2-3 DPO (ovulation should be confirmed first - as it could delay or prevent ovulation if taken too soon). Dr. Dan Purser has spent his professional life researching and educating both physicians and women on the dangers of regular hormone therapy and the preferred safe alternative of progesterone. Have been on this for 5 years. People have such different stories! prevents 98% of hot flashes. But if they do experience occasional restless sleep, a drop of Lavender or Roman Chamomile in 2 TB of oil and applied to feet (keep leftover oil for next application.) Application: two options, applied morning and night: option 1> 2 drops on wrist, rub wrists together, then rub onto neck (2 drops go on for days!) Metabolic Syndrome X insulin resistance, Pituitary problems or damage (***Most common cause of low progesterone), Low Thyroid (caused from damaged pituitary). the village at sawmill woods affordable housing; 29 mayo, 2022; can i use progessence plus while breastfeeding . YL oils should only be purchased directly from YL or a distributor or by having a friend who already orders oils add to their order which is what I do at my wholesale cost. Based on theabove mentioned sources, we want to avoid the following essential oils when pregnant: Blue Cypress, Carrot Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Clary Sage*, Dill, Fennel*, Hyssop, Idaho Tansy, Jasmine*, Lemongrass*, Lemon Myrtle*, Marjoram*, Melissa, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Ravintsara, Rosemary, Sage, and Wintergreen, Oil Blends which containabove mentioned oils: Not sure theres a definite correlation, but it must have done something.. These are hot oils high in phenols and best avoided or heavily diluted. While attending convention, she was in bed waiting for the severe symptoms to get better. This can potentially affect the appearance of the stated products. For fatigue, citrus oils like Lemon or Citrus Fresh as well as Peppermint can be invigorating. The conflicting information, as well as the fact that this company primarily specializes in essential oils makes it a bit confusing from a consumer perspective. I'm taking progessence because I just ovulated and lost my last pregnancy because of low progesterone and I don't want to go thru that again, but I also don't want to do the suppositories. Anyone have any input? We found some comments about this product, and most users mentioned it hadnt started working and were asking further questions. You can dilute well and apply topically to lower back. Symptoms of nausea may occur within the first couple hours as the body gets used to the progesterone, apply more and they will dissipate. Does not need to be rotated on different areas of the body or cycled throughout the month. Other medicines that can be taken while breastfeeding include: most antibiotics. There are a lot of small issues with Progessence Plus Serum that lead us to believe that those who truly need a treatment for hot flashes and night sweats may be better off trying something that has undergone clinical testing and has several positive reviews posted online. decreases acne. [I (Beau Miakinkoff) have taken the time to correct typos, sentence structure and to clarify statements. (Not recommended any early as it can stimulate the uterus.). For occasional diaper rash, 1 drop each of Lavender and Tea Treemixed in 3 TB of carrier oil. I have not used Progessence Plus yet. Again, check with your doctor or midwife for your particular care. by . Trying to research it and not having much luck. I use progessence plus. Try adding it to your beauty routine. Women can safely use Progessence Plus Serum through the tenth week of pregnancy and by then the body should be making sufficient amounts on its own.Dr. Thanks for blindly recommending this for all females over the age of 12. Reclaim your energy, sex drive and morethe best menopause products after the jump. option 2> use roller filament on the bottle and roll onto wrists and behind ears (already pre-diluted in the bottle) YL is the ONLY company that has that kind of oversight and quality control. Apply 2 times a day topically to your legs, ankles, etc. Tea Treeis a great germ killer too andanother safe option. There are a ton of young living oils and products for sale on amazon; Not sure if its the same quality. . If possible, give breast milk first, then finish the feeding with formula. I love their quality standards, their potency, and their purity. When were talking about this precious and delicate time in our lives, we want to be conservative using these very natural yet powerful healingoils. I use a couple of drops of Di-Gize on my stomach every morning. Dilute in castor oil andapply every evening. For young children, you can do 1 drop of essential oil per 1 1 1/2 tablespoon of carrier oil. A roller fitment can be safely used with a Progessence Plus bottle. A couple of weeks ago I posted an instagram story about Progessence Plus and my DM's totally went off. Otro sitio realizado con . Dilute according to guidelines aboveas it can cause skin sensitivity. We dont know if users can expect an alternative to other progesterone creams or if this is primarily used for its pleasant scent and potential skin care benefits. I started using it a few months ago and after a month of using it I. Talk to your doctor. But here is what your article got wrong. I actually have a friend with pcos that had 4 miscarriages between her last baby and this pregnancy. Progessence Plus Serum is made by an essential oils company known as Young Living. prevents 98% of PMS. Notes taken by Debra Raybern, Young Living Platinum. So, if you do use other brands, be sure that the plants fullspecies name matches up with Young Living. It can be applied directly to the skin, and no dilution is necessary. The outside of the ears (not inside) can also be a wonderful place to apply essential oils when dealing with the emotions that come up when pregnant and especially postpartum. I got a lot of questions on getting ovulation to return while breastfeeding. I feel everyone should research before using. Drink broths, teas, lemonade, coconut water, and so forth. I definantly wouldnt be purchasing this from Amazon!!! Blends:Gentle Baby, Inner Child, Joy, Motivation, Peace & Calming, Valor, Tranquil Roll On, Sensation, 3 Wise Men. That was a lot of info. The provided content on this site should serve, at most, as a companion to a professional consult. Anyone here use progessence plus to get pregnant? Can request use progessence plus while breastfeeding J and J Mobile. Use a small dollop after each diaper change. Which is okay while nursing because of all the oxytocin and prolactin. The Amazon listing shows the product at $43.45, though apparently there is only one unit of Progessence Plus Serum left in stock. Likely, the makers of this product are using this product as a means to increase the price on a blend of essential oils. As an added bonus, Ylang Ylang helps boost your sex drive . Young living is sold through independent reps. You should do research on things before you bash them. You will Learn a LOT about how we women can balance our hormones safely and naturally. Lavender oilcan add comfortin early labor. I would dilute very well since this is going to such a delicate part of the body. Good luck! Now, onto baby For the most part, babies under 6 months old dont need essential oils. For baby blues or postpartum depression, talk to doctor or midwife about options. It is back in stock. (Not an extensive list.). The last time I checked Young Living, they had Progessence in stock and gave no indication that they were running low or that there might be any problem with obtaining it. And there's definitely not enough research about the safety of this stuff during pregnancy. Do you get headaches right before your period and at ovulation? No need take since you usually have high levels of progesterone when pregnant plus we honestly don't know what the oils will do to unborn fetus -- probably help but as corporation we don't want to take any risks with your baby so please don't! They include the following: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Citronella*, Clove*, Copaiba, Coriander, Cypress, Balsam Fir, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Melaleuca, Neroli, Orange, Rosewood, Patchouli, Palmarosa, Peppermint*, Petitgrain, Pine*, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Spruce*, Tangerine, Vetiver, and Ylang Ylang, Citrus Fresh, Motivation, Peace & Calming, Present Time, Sacred Mountain, Valor I never heard of people only using it only after ovulation! Anyone use progessence plus and have their period delayed? While it is OK to put breast milk and formula in the same bottle if you have already prepared the formula, mixing them can lead to wasted breast milk if your baby does not finish the bottle. vitamin B6. Plus oils are not regulated. Essential oils are awesome! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Subscribe to the Comments RSS. Progessence Plus is a serum that you use twice daily on your inner wrists and forearms, on the front of your neck over your thyroid, and on your ankles. ****From what I read you shouldn't take while pregnant, your placenta produces progesterone, after 8weeks gestation. At the very least, your review article does need to be updated to state that people should not be ordering from Amazon and only going thru YL or a YL distributor. We liked the natural approach to providing progesterone to users in a serum that likely smells quite nicesomething users often claim is missing in other topical products. Often times nausea can be tied to a sluggish liver, as it can be overwhelmed processing pregnancy hormones. I use it twice daily - a couple of drops on my neck and forearms and I love it. I read conflicting things on the Internet. I also developed severe, crippling depression. essential oils treatments and natural herbal remedies. I used this oil in the early months to help with the nausea. UGH! She also no longer feels blue. VH Essentials Probiotics with Prebiotics and Cranberry. That is what I was curious about. For acne, Tea Tree Oil) is king. Frankincense helps to create focus and spiritual strength. You also dont want to eliminate salt; instead use a high mineral sea salt. I did a lot of research, and more importantly I used several brands, including cheaper ones, and Young Living is my favorite. I know a lot of people that use it during pregnancy. It's a blend of rosewood, vetiver, geranium, ylang ylang, jasmine, and more. We've gone over this but these 2 oils are lifesavers! Made by a company that specializes in essential oils, Progessence Plus Serum contains a number of essential oils, plus wild yam extractwhich work together to make a natural progesterone serum designed to help users regulate hormone levels. You could also use Citrus Fresh. Essential pulls should be purchased from a reputable source. I had issues with mood swings during the week before my cycle and could not sleep either. Diffusing essential oil is another wonderful way to experience the benefits of these oils. Because discussing vaginal dryness with a healthcare provider may be unpleasant for women, many women suffer unnecessarily. See pt1 for all I've done the last 8months to heal my body! Amazon oils coukd be fake or tampered with! Many women have tried progesterone creams before and they did not seem to help or the creams helped for a while and then stopped. See how that works for you. I stopped using it because I was scared I was going to end up pregnant with a lot of babies lol. There are no fees, minimums or cancelation fees. For support and ease, add 1 drop per 1 tsp. Youll also want to limit their daytime naps to 3 hours. Lehi, UT 84043. Additionally, we dont have much information regarding of whether this product has successfully helped users deal with their menopausal symptoms, or even it if worked to visibly improve aging skin. PROGESSENCE PLUS Boosts progesterone. Any and all published editorial content is offered without any sort of influence. That is what I was curious about. If I had to chose 5 oils for each stage, heres what theyd be: Many of the top oils are in the Young Living Everyday Oils kit, which is included in the Premium Starter Kit. The list includes calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D, vitamin E, and selenium. Whew! Did you also take progesterone supplements with it? I got pregnant right away after starting it. Do not ingest essential oils while pregnant or breastfeeding. They are worth their weight in gold! Do not exceed 2 applications per day. Using essential oils this time around, no issues what so ever. Plus oils ar. About 6 months after starting the PP, I started noticing that my hair was falling out like crazy. I also would recommend observing your menstrual cycle, because it contains clues as to how we need to balance. Thanks for hiding behind the blanket claim that you arent regulated by the FDA, nor are your products intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. People have such different stories! Purser said that Taking just ONE birth control pill increases your risk for breast cancer for the next TEN YEARS. Some great oils for supporting us with our sore muscle pain include Peppermint, Copaiba and Frankincense. The recommendations listed are based on my research using Robert Tisserands book on safetyas well as several other independent and respected aromatherapists in the field, such asherbalists, a doula, and other health care practitioners. You can even make a sleep spray and apply to sheets and pillow. I recommend using 100-200mg/day progesterone, but feel you would need about 200mg/day. common painkillers, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen but not aspirin. Milk Dust is explicitly marketed toward breastfeeding moms. Not sure if I should use it now to help get pregnant and once I am if I should continue it with what the doc gives me! I swear by this oil. Its truly amazing ! If you're taking a medication that could be harmful to your baby, your health care provider might recommend an alternative . It's always advisable to ask any of the doctors you deal with about safe medications while breastfeeding if they're prescribing or giving you medicine. Soaked chia seeds and rice also help. It has a calm and balancing aroma, perfect for unwinding after a long day (or starting your day). Progessence Plus - Sharing Great Health. Progessence Plus is, technically, a highly micronised bio-identical (human) progesterone that has a natural Vitamin E base with a set of special essential oils like Frankincense . Do you have hot flashes? prevents 98% of day or night sweats. Chamomile/German ( Matricaria chamomilla L) - Relaxing, helpful for sleep, may support clear thinking when pollen counts are high. Essential oils are extremely helpful, you can promote products without trying to put others down. I would encourage you to dig a little bit deeper into your own health to determine if you have signs of low progesterone! Be sure your baby nurses oftenand takesunflower lecithin to promote healthy clog-free lactation. I use the peppermint oil and lavender even when pregnant. The site does not mention if this will be back in stock any time soon, or if it has been discontinued.
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