Does he have the form of a man, or of a woman, or both? So it is here. The plural "We" was regarded by the fathers and earlier theologians almost unanimously as indicative of the Trinity: modern commentators, on the contrary, regard it either as pluralis majestatis; or as an address by God to Himself, the subject and object being identical; or as communicative, an address to the spirits or angels who stand around the Deity and constitute His council. Genesis 2:1-3; Genesis 2:1-3, taking the Sabbath as the necessary complement of the week, and therefore going on with the preceding six days, not with what follows. For a summary gives in a few words that which is opened out afterwards; whereas the conjunction "and" introduced in the second verse excludes necessarily all notion of a summary here. We see God's tender care and parental solicitude for the comfort and well-being of this masterpiece of his workmanship, in creating the world previously to the creation of man. They are "herb-yielding seed after their kind," each has its own little code within it that reproduces after its kind; very fascinating indeed.Also, here we begin to see some of the inventive genius of God, creating seeds to produce after their own kind. 27-27; Oswald Allis, God Spake by Moses, p. He is called "Jehovah;" He is not designated by the former mingled or compound term "Jehovah-Elohim," but by "Jehovah" simply; and this is found afterwards, either "Elohim" alone or "Jehovah in the other names of special character, as we shall see," until the call of Israel, when we have an appropriate modification in the expression of His name. These distinguish humans from the animals, which have no God-consciousness even though they have conscious life (cf. In the account of the accomplishment of the divine purpose the words swell into a jubilant song, so that we meet here for the first time with a parallelismus membrorum, the creation of man being celebrated in three parallel clauses. Hence, therefore, as closing all the previous state of things, where man was not spoken of, preparing the way for the Adamic earth, the Spirit of God is seen brooding upon the face of the waters. New King James Version. "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heaven, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over everything that creepeth upon the earth. These words are directed not to the earth, out of which man was Matthew Henry Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Genesis 9:24-27. First of all there was the creation by God both of the heavens and of the earth. But nothing softened the roused and irritated spirit of Cain. (85). The use of the plural number intimates that this authority was not given to Adam only, but to all his posterity as well as to him. In short, if the word had not been here, it might have been supposed that the writer meant us to conclude that the original condition of the earth was the shapeless mass of confusion which verse 2 describes with such terse and graphic brevity. 27 So God created mankind in his own image, The impact of this point on the remainder of the Pentateuch and the authors view of Sinai is clear: through Abraham, Israel and the covenant this blessing is to be restored to all mankind." 11 Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that . Genesis 1:26-28. mind of man thinks it a mighty difficulty that what appears to be so small a matter should be pregnant with such awful results. should be made not in the likeness of any of the creatures Not how did He say it, or to whom did He say it, but what did He say. As he has the government of the inferior creatures, he is, as it were, God's representative, or viceroy, upon earth; they are not capable of fearing and serving God, therefore God has appointed them to fear and serve man. If this appearance were actually the fact, it would be impossible to escape the conclusion that the text is faulty, and that has fallen out; so that the reading should be, "and over all the wild beasts of the earth," as the Syriac has it. The sun, moon and stars, previously hidden, now became clearly visible. Truly there are many things in this corrupted nature which may induce contempt; but if you rightly weigh all circumstances, man is, among other creatures a certain preeminent specimen of Divine wisdom, justice, and goodness, so that he is deservedly called by the ancients , a world in miniature. But since the Lord needs no other counsellor, there can be no doubt that he consulted with himself. Undoubtedly "day" may be used, as it often is, in a figurative sense. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. I just love to see the different life forms.I love to see these crazy, little tiny bugs and I don't even know what they are, or where they're going, and I wonder if they know where they're going, but they know how to fly. The whole creation was built by the Word of God from the mouth of God. This relation, however, is to be not in matter, but in form; not in essence, but in semblance. [Note: See John F. Kilner, "Humanity in Gods Image: Is the Image Really Damaged?" 13. God is the fountain whence this spirit issued, hence the stream must resemble the spring which produced it. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." But I often wonder why God made such weird-looking fish, in such variety, and then the fabulous colors! ii. Now there is not really the very least ground for such an assumption. Yet in Genesis 1:29, God states that human beings are only permitted a plant-based diet. And here the effort of the enemy was first to breathe suspicion on the goodness of God as well as on His truth, in short, on God Himself. I spoke to the fact that this mutual act of submission only makes sense and therefore . Psalm 147:4 and Isaiah 40:26 tell us God has the stars all numbered and God has a name for them all. It was soon brought to issue. By beginning the words rendered Wisdom and Power with capitals, it would appear that the second and third Persons of the Trinity were in the mind of the writer when the passage was written. To me it is perfectly clear how speedy was the fall after the creation of man. Though the same kind of organization may be found in man as appears in the lower animals, yet there is a variety and complication in the parts, a delicacy of structure, a nice arrangement, a judicious adaptation of the different members to their great offices and functions, a dignity of mien, and a perfection of the whole, which are sought for in vain in all other creatures. The reason is evident. Adversaries may no doubt try to embarrass you: if they will, let them do so. The Bible demonstrates this order of importance from the outset by fitting the story of creation into a mere week, into the opening page of a 1,000-page Bible.The Bible was never intended to be a scientific textbook. For the view that the image of God includes the body, see Jonathan F. Henry, "Man in Gods Image: What Does it Mean?" "After its kind:" this refers to all three classes of living creatures, each of which had its peculiar species; consequently in Genesis 1:25, where the word of God is fulfilled, it is repeated with every class. Check out this great listen on All is consistent in revelation, and nowhere else. V. That God gave to man, when he had made him, a dominion over the inferior creatures, over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air. Sixth, it agrees with the cosmogonies of all nations, so far as these are founded upon a genuine tradition and not upon the mere conjectures of a lively fancy. Let him rule man who said, Let us make man. But it is a crime against man made in the image of God, and as this abides, whether he be fallen or not, the guilt of murder is unimpeachable and evident. Abraham, not Adam, is the depository of promise: so speaks scripture, as far as I know, invariably. 4. Our first father, Adam, was confined to one wife; and, if he had put her away, there was no other for him to marry, which plainly intimated that the bond of marriage was not to be dissolved at pleasure. [Note: Henry F. Lazenby, "The Image of God: Masculine, Feminine, or Neuter?" . So all of the animals at that point lived off of the grasses and vegetation. In this too God's own glory is brought before us, and so much the more because there is not the smallest effort. Hence we may see how fitting it is that, as man is about to be introduced on the earth for the first time, as the previous state had nothing whatever to do with his being here below, and indeed was altogether unfit for his dwelling on it, besides the fact that he was not yet created, days should appear only when it was a question of making the heavens and the earth as they are. Such a glorious God, so wise; all of these created life forms. He makes a religion from his own mind, and brings of the fruit of the ground now under the curse; whilst Abel by faith offers the firstlings of the flock, and of the fat thereof. Others believe that God was addressing His heavenly court (cf. He wants to remain totally formless in your mind.To this extent, I really don't care for pictures of Christ, because there is an attempt to define Him in a form. The human mind is still endowed with most extraordinary capacities; it was more so when issuing out of the hands of its Creator. This first verse of the book of Genesis introduces the creation account found in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [and] he made the stars also. that is, to catch them, and eat them; though in the after grant To me it appears that all is in perfect keeping; and that the omission of Jehovah here is equally natural on the part of the serpent and Eve, as it is appropriate to the inspired history of the transaction. Every great writer, as far as he can go, illustrates this plan indeed everybody, we may say. Not at all. Such is the very essence of a test for an innocent man. * We are therefore warranted in supposing that they are described just because they might have been less easily discerned. Like Genesis 34 (which also interrupts the Jacob Cycle) and 38 (which interrupts the Joseph cycle), this chapter seems to awkwardly impede the narrative flow. III. It isn't who wrote it, it was the Holy Spirit that inspired the writing. The heavens were in no such state of chaos: the earth was. But short of Christ's person and work, there is nothing more characteristic of God than creation. Man.Hebrew, Adam. Lyra. When God made man, when Jehovah-Elohim breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, man had no knowledge of things as right or wrong in themselves. Is this merely the conserving of the creature? And they come and fly right into Hawaii, sometimes they get into severe storms, one-hundred, two-hundred mile an hour winds that blow them off course, but somehow they find their way right in. Cain brought what might have sufficed in an unfallen world what might have suited an innocent worshipper of One who was simply known as Elohim. And, in the second place, the interpretation now given claims acceptance on the ground of its internal and external consistency with truth. If any reader, having leisure, wishes to enjoy such speculations, let him read the tenth and fourteenth books on the Trinity, also the eleventh book of the City of God. I acknowledge, indeed, that there is something in man which refers to the Fathers and the Son, and the Spirit: and I have no difficulty in admitting the above distinction of the faculties of the soul: although the simpler division into two parts, which is more used in Scripture, is better adapted to the sound doctrine of piety; but a definition of the image of God ought to rest on a firmer basis than such subtleties. F8; and they also speak F9 of Adam #2 "Let us make". God and man share a likeness that is not shared by other creatures. And the months were originally lunar months, the time it takes the moon to go through its full cycle, as it orbits around the Earth. Had it been spoken of in the first chapter, there might have been grave exception taken whether such an account could have been inspired; but, coming in as it does, it is exactly as it ought to be. he", that is, (hyha) , "I In short Enoch is the witness of the heavenly family, as Noah is of the earthly people of God. I have this little system in my eyes with the vitreous jelly on the backside that is taking these little pictures at the rate of about eighteen per second and transmitting the vibrations on into the brain by which my eyes are interpreting the world around me and making it understandable as the vibrations are coming into my brain, and all of it's unscrambling and interpretation as these little flash vibrations are bounced in at eighteen per second. Now without wishing to press my individual judgment of such a matter, I may state the conviction that the Pison and the Gihon, here described, are two rivers on the north of the site of Eden, one running into the Black Sea, the other into the Caspian. 64. fol. The infinite God, who created this universe and all the life forms within it remains unformed in our own mind. God is pleased when people study his creation and learn its wonders (Psalms 111:2). The soul of man, considered in its three noble faculties, understanding, will, and active power, is perhaps the brightest clearest looking-glass in nature, wherein to see God. If so, the shift to poetry may emphasize human beings as Gods image bearers. Here then we only hear of pairs which enter. Since the image of God had been destroyed in us by the fall, we may judge from its restoration what it originally had been. of man, as Moses Gerundensis, and other Jewish writers This you can, if you will, verify in various occasions where scripture furnishes examples of the summary; as, for instance, in the beginning of Genesis 5:1-32, "This is the book of the generations of Adam." Genesis 47:1-50:26 Chapter 47 1 So Joseph went in and told Pharaoh, "My father and my brothers, with their flocks and herds and all that they possess, have come from the land of Canaan; they are now in the land of Goshen." 2 And from among his brothers he took five men and presented them to Pharaoh. The preservation of the creatures which required the ark. Salem Media Group. "Image" is a word taken from sensible things, and denotes likeness in outward form, while the material may be different. It has nothing to do with moral relationships. [Note: Waltke, Genesis, p. They build their nests, they lay the eggs, they hatch their young. Genesis 26:1 Parallel Verses [ See commentary ] Genesis 26:1, NIV: Now there was a famine in the land--besides the previous famine in Abraham's time--and Isaac went to Abimelek king of the Philistines in Gerar. As it is, God reserves the striking detail for the scene of moral relationship. It is very simply a measure for perpetuating the creature by God the Creator, in spite of imminent judgment. In the previous description, which had not to do with man, there was silence about the Spirit of God; but, as the divine wisdom is shown inProverbs 8:1-36; Proverbs 8:1-36 to rejoice in the habitable parts of the earth, so the Spirit of God is always brought before us as the immediate agent in the Deity whenever man is to be introduced. Scripture describes it, and mentions two rivers which unquestionably exist at the present day. He is to be allied to heaven as no other creature on earth is. Fruitfulness and increase depend upon the blessing of God: Obed-edom had eight sons, for God blessed him,1 Chronicles 26:5. 2. This explanation involves what some people call, sometimes disparagingly, the "gap theory," which shows that the Bible allows for a long time interval between verse 1 and verse 2 of Genesis 1. If men, and men too of ability and learning, have tortured the signs of its very perfection into proofs of defective and clashing documents, ridiculously combined by a man who did not perceive that he was editing not fables only but inconsistent fables, what can believers do but wonder at human blindness, and adore divine grace ' For themselves, with glowing gratitude they receive it as the precious word of God, where His love and goodness and truth shine in a way beyond all comparison, and yet meeting the mind and heart in the least, no less than in the most serious, wants that each day brings here below.
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