Unknown at this time of whether it is cancer at this time. . I was stationed at Tustin with H&MS-16 Aviation Ordnance from 1984-1988. President Signs Historic Toxic Exposure Bill What It Means for Vets? Roger Butow has pointed to the fact that the system at MCAS El Toro to remove the TCE contamination from the groundwater, captures the toxic liquid and discharges it raw and untreated into the Pacific Ocean through an outfall pile a short distance off the coast of South Laguna. ZjhlYTdkNmViN2IyYjcwZTliYzA5OWM5ZGY0YWI3MjE4NjBlNTU2ZDk5MWM4 Since 2002, at least 270 environmental accidents on U.S. Marine Corps bases on Okinawa have contaminated land and local waterways but, until now, almost none of these incidents has been made public. Lets go over the history of MCAS(H) Tustin chemical exposure and how West Coast veterans are still suffering from service-related illnesses based on testing and analysis. I agree with the post by Phillip, the common practices, dumping and spills, no protection, ect. According to the City of Tustin's, 'Tustin Legacy' Website, MCAS Tustin- (LTA) has an environmental history of contamination that includes but is not limited to, solvents and jet fuel supporting the base operations, and pesticides associated with the agricultural uses. According to Pentagon documents, around 385 US military bases have PFAS contamination. It appears increasingly to be the case. Holms remarks, some say, reflect the U.S. Marine Corps gradual change of attitude toward environmental issues. State documents confirm that problems at MCAS Tustin include hazardous waste, 'degreasing facility' (which obviously means TCE/PCE), aircraft storage/refueling, fuel-vehicle storage, refueling, fuel terminals, jet fuel storage/refueling, oil/water separators, transfer station, tanks/containers, underground storage tanks, above ground storage tanks. I cannot support surgery of any type for my lungs as I would no survive the surgery. ZDc1ODgwN2VhNzk5ZWZjNjUwOGUwZTU3Zjc1ZmYyZmVlOGJiNWRlZTIwZjBi NTJjYmViMTFkNGE2N2Y5ZTIyZmJjZTcwNDMzZTQxNTY4OTkwOGExMWVmN2Iw VA Services in your area is a good place to start. The Tustin Marine Corps Helicopter Air Station and El Toro Marine Corps Air Station have long been among Orange Countys largest producers of hazardous wastes, according to county records. They do not have funds to continue, they spent them and then at the last minute, announced that they would not be tearing up the flightline after all, to extend the highly touted project. However, many do not know the history behind the blimps or why the Tustin base became the center of US helicopter operations and training for the Vietnam War. We brought our above-ground fuel pumps and set up a tactical aircraft fueling system that tapped into the large above-ground tank and allowed us to refuel the Marine Corps CH-46, CH-53 Alpha and CH-53 Echo helicopters. Stationed MCAS Tustin 1974-1979 cleaning solentts Required fields are marked *. As part of a $7.5-million military contract awarded recently to a Santa Ana firm, a long-awaited inspection of 460 underground fuel storage tanks at the El Toro base is scheduled to begin this summer, a process that may take up to 4 years to complete. The document includes detailed planning standards, policies, regulations, and implementation strategies to guide the reuse and the development of the site. When I was there most of the fields to the northwest were strawberry fields. MCAS Yuma veterans were exposed to fuel wastes like benzene, mercury, lead, TCE, DCE, and PCE. The 'Great Park Corporation'- overseeing the 'park' project, and the city of Irvine are in quite a fix. t.dvorak@sbcglobal.net. The main property, located largely within the City of Tustin . The perfect example of that is the Marine Corps Air Station (H) in Tustin. HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS 3000 MARINE CORPS PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20350-3000 . 14. So out of maybe a couple hundred, I would guess at least 25-30% battling diseases. Since my discharge I have had 4 right and 2 left knee surgeries for desecration of bone and soft tissue damage. The Marine Corps treated the water prior to releasing it, but it still. Scrap materials included mechanical and electrical components and various. NTdhZTU5NTE2MDFhOTA1YzgxZWFmMzFiNDk2ZDkzMzczNzdiMTVmYjI3M2Rl I was stationed at El Toro 93-97 and had a child will I was there that has autism. In my case, I have a 30% non-service connected pension which is 1,072.00 a month. 17026 in the City of Tustin as recorded in the County (TLCP) ownership. I live here in Salem and I was Stationed at MCAS Tustin from 1996 until they shut it down in 1999, and was then transferred to Camp Pendleton. A view of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, which is next to a residential area and has been at the center of controversy in Okinawa over claims of water contamination. Construction of the Tustin LTA facility began on April 1, 1942; it was operational in just over 6 months. We have a serious problem, and I think this is a big test of the Marines willingness to cooperate.. OGYyNWQ0MDE5MWRhMThiZWQ3OTZlYzY5NmRkZDc3MDg1ZjRjYThkYjNjOThh When he stood, surprisingly, he had no counterattack, only a conciliatory offering. I was Stationed on MCAS (H) Tustin 1981-1984 as well as a few months on El Toro. I am going to file a compensation claim this week for my time at MCAS Tustin and El Toro. In Hangar 296 at El Toro, 55 gallon drums of TCE were dumped into a heated vat. Having served there for 5 years until the shutdown and our relocation to San Diego, I began experiencing major digestion issues 2 years after being stationed on El Toro. A number of Marines report serious illnesses linked to toxic exposure. ODA2MTg2OGE0ZmMzMWY0YjNkNWU5NWM0MWE2ZjhjMDYyNWJkMDJmOWY2NWIx We are not pointing the finger at them for what they did 20 or 30 years ago, said Curt Berchthold, senior engineer with the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Board, which oversees most of the watershed in Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties. These are man-made chemicals that have resistance properties against water, oil, heat, stains, and more. I have a baby and this is caused to move out asap!! The Defense Department needs to notify veterans, dependents and civilian workers of the contaminants and their health effects at EPA Superfund sites. Both bases closed permanently in 1999 and the Third Air Wing Marines were shipped to Miramar, the Navy's 'Fighter Town, USA' made famous by the movie Top Gun. But the Marines are changing their ways. It is important to note that there is no family history of cancer, ulcers or other diseases. State and local health officials have long pushed for a tank inspection program at El Toro out of concern that the tanks, many of which are as old as the 56-year-old base, may be leaking toxic residues. Salem-News.com's John Uldrich, Bob O'Dowd and Tim King at MCAS Tustin in 2009. The aquifer is a pocket of porous rock near the earths surface where water collects. The government doesnt have to acknowledge responsibility in order for everyone that was at these two bases to file a claim. Bill, his sister, and Mimiaga are just a few examples of the thousands of service members currently suffering from the legacy left behind by MCAS Tustin, El Toro, and others. The DOD data from Tustin, a base that closed in. The problem we have is the rate at which they are moving to correct those problems. When the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Board, a state agency, ordered the Marines to initiate testing to determine how far the TCE contamination had spread off the base, the Marines refused. Both which have respitory problems as I do. (TUSTIN, CA) - We've written at length about the contamination of MCAS El Toro in Southern California, the now-closed Marine Corps air base that was a center of military defense for both Orange County and Los Angeles for half a century, however we haven't devoted very much space to a second nearby base, MCAS Tustin. NGNiNWE0MzY3NTFiMGMxZWEyNTA2YTM5ODIyNTJkODJlY2NlYTU0NjlmODA5 Contact usfor legal assistance ad speak to one of our attorney-members under a free consultation to learn more information about your potential your toxic exposure claim and get it moving. As for help from the VA one can only hope. Since then, bladder and colon cancer, kidneys are shot and full of unknown cysts. ZTg1NTc2MDU5YWRhODNmYTEzODFiNDgxODMxNTRhZmFmZDRjNmQ2OWU5NTAz As I recall, it was finally determined that there was a major underground leak and it was stopped in the next few days. Surface Disposal Area. It cant hurt to check it out. The Department of Navy, under the guidance of EPA and other organizations, conducted on-site investigations to understand the potential impacts on the residents of Tustin and started remediation efforts at the Tustin base. In February 1944, it became an Outlying Field (OLF) to . How sad and gets me and how the city of Irvine know and they are just money hungry and dont care about the residents!! MGQ1YTAyNWQ2OTcwM2RjZTE5YmU0MDQ5NjBlNjAzZDMzNTFkOTc2MmVjOTFl MWU3NmJmYTQzMjhjMGNlOTlkZGUzOGM5MmQ1OWVlYjZlZDM2OTRmZTUyYzEx The Marine Corps Tustin base became the first US facility made for the sole purpose of helicopter operations. Nobody in both sides of family has any of these problems. Recent revelations on the environmental damage by the Environmental Protection Agency and human health forced the implementation of new laws and regulations about chemical disposal at bases. Thank you for your response and comments to this post.kprater378@gmail.com. When I was growing up my father was a Marine Corps helicopter pilot and spent many years stationed at the MCAS Tustin facility. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Classes on the handling and proper disposal of hazardous materials and wastes are conducted regularly for those who live and work at the two bases. There has been an attempt by the Marines to be more forthcoming about environmental issues, Agran said. MTA5Nzc5ZDU2OWY0ZTZkNDVjYmZjOTljOTdlYjI4MzM2NWQyMjBjOWFkN2U5 I wanted to post some information about benefits for those of you that have military service, have a disability, are having financial hardships and dont know where to turn. The DOD data from Tustin, a base that closed in 1999, only includes information on two types of PFAS chemicals - PFOS and PFOA. We need to get this information and message out to all of our fellow Marine brothers and sisters and their families. ERRG's value engineering analysis during the design process saved the client $100,000 by incorporating existing extraction wells . The DoD began widespread testing for contamination in drinking water at its facilities in 2016 . ZDlhYTUyZWNmYzRhYTk3MTk1ZDBmNzU0YmY0Zjg5YjY4OWI4ZmZhYjY1NWE5 this was before all the problems were out in the open. Thanks for shedding light, especially being as far away as you are. There are numerous health issues exposure to PFAS, as well as to the other contaminants present on Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, can cause, the most terrible being cancer, which can occur on various parts of the body, depending on where the highest concentration of these chemicals is located. The north hangar was closed in 2013. I was based at MCAS Tustin 85-89. Thanks again for the article and I'll do more research on my own. If you need help with your application, call our Camp Lejeune Family Member program staff at 866-372-1144. Orange County may be in real trouble- contamination cases keep showing up. I have two other friends who have similar issues and another with Lymph Node cancer.all of which served in the same unit at the same time on El Toro. . On July 3, 1999, MCAS Tustin was officially closed, 57 years after the base and its iconic hangars arose from the farm fields of Orange County. All comments and messages are approved by people and self promotional links or unacceptable comments are denied. Designated as a Master Jet Base, its four runways (two of 8,000 feet (2,400 m) and two of 10,000 feet . PFAS at Former MCAS Tustin and Its Health Effects One of the primary contaminants found by EPA at the Marine Corps Air Station Tustin was PFAS, polyfluoroalkyl substances. Were El Toro Marines Deceived Over Toxic Exposure. To that end, the Marines say they are better armed now to meet the challenge. NzJjNWY5NTViYjBjOWRiY2IzNTEyMGY4OGU2YWFiMTFlYWY4YTFlYTRlZDEx The VA has done very little to assist me in finding out what is going in. A large part of our job is education, Holm said. A Death Sentence for Marines and School Kids? We, and I am just as guilty as all aircraft maintainers back in the day, just did not know. I'm healthy, but I stayed away from the Trike. The US Marines also provided helo-lift support to the US aircraft wing unit stationed at Marine Corps base El Toro. He does not eat strawberries anymore. I have chronic headaches that started with in the first year I was discharger. CoincidenceI think not. Under the Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC) of 1990, the US moved all its assets, including personnel, equipment, and support from MCAS El Toro and MCAS Tustin, to other locations in Southern California, such as NAS Miramar. The building I worked out of is still standing across the street from the armory. When people say were slow, I think its a fair criticism, Holm said. Contamination was first suspected in 1985, when local water agencies found traces of TCE in agricultural wells near the western edge of the El Toro base. MCAS Tustin, located in Tustin and Irvine, CA, consisted of approximately 1,600 acres. Was in the first group of 50 to open ElToro- Ran into a volunteer at the WWII Museum NEw Orleans, La., he raised the flag at the opening ceremonies, left El Toro with VMF 212 first stop Hawaii then Midway, more islands after that -- ElToro holds many memories. Although the water district paid for the initial TCE tests and is going ahead with the cleanup of contaminated ground water outside the base, agency officials say they eventually will bill the Marines for those costs. We havent always been the best neighbor when it comes to taking care of the environment, Holm said. I now suffer non-reversible Lung disease COPD level 4. YzJkYWY2OWZiZTEzMzAxYTg4NjVlMzcxM2NmZjViZWFkYzk1MDdjNDM2NjI0 I had prostate cancer and had my prostate removed 3 years ago. Facing public pressure, tougher laws and a health risk to their own troops, they have given environmental issues a higher priority, said Holm, director of facilities management at the El Toro base. The DRMO was the storage area for containerized liquids, scrap, and salvage materials from El Toro and MCAS Tustin. The U.S. Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against the air quality district on behalf of all military bases in the region contesting the fees. Trying to find documentation about use of this solvent by f-18 mechanics during this time. 27 June. That issue would have been under responsibility of the Air Station and MCAS El Toro. U.S. military officials say the fee is a tax, and that federal agencies are exempt from local and state taxes. YzMxNWVmNTY5M2NjMmMzOTg2NDE1MGIzZTM5NjMzOTAyMDFlNDMxNTZiMDAx Worst contamination I know of was the aircraft wash rack and the Auto Hobby shop. is their any new info concerning this base? I spent several years at both bases in the 1990s. This air station started working in 1942, and it's in Orange County, CA. In the early 1980s, residential and commercial areas sprung up opposite the station. Marine Corps Air Stations (MCAS) El Toro Documentary Christian Michael Speaks 2.2K views 1 year ago Why the Airship May Be the Future of Air Travel Undecided with Matt Ferrell 1.6M views 1 year. My generation is only one; Salem-News.com writer Bob O'Dowd was at the base a few years before Roger Butow, and John Uldrich was there a few years before Robert, in the 50's. In particular, the high . Location: California, United States. Do Infrared Sauna Blankets and Mats Really Work? Contact Information Name Anantaramam Peddada Agency Name Department of Toxic Substances Control Contact Types Lead/Public Agency Address 5797 Corporate Avenue Cypress, CA 90630 Phone (714) 484-5418 Location Cities Irvine, Santa Ana, Tustin Counties Orange Cross Streets Red Hill Ave, Barranca Pkwy, and Edinger Ave. Zip 92710 Total Acres 6 Parcel # Had two children during those years. History of MCAS(H) Tustin Chemical Exposure. Depending on your disabilities and military service you may be entitled to a pension whether your disability is service connected or not. Environ Health Perspect 121:303-311. Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, El Toro, California. Died at less than 60 yrs of age. After years of extensive study and public outreach, a Reuse Plan was adopted by the community in 1996 which was subsequently amended and adopted also as a zoning document entitled the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan/Reuse Plan in 2003 and has been subsequently amended. Bills sister suffers from heart valve deficiencies. MCAS El Toro and Tustin Site Inspection Plan of Action. Similarly, 11 such sites have been identified at the Tustin base. its interesting to hear all of you havi.g these colon problems and digestive priblems and cancers. S. R. Holm Jr., attired in freshly pressed dress blues, listened intently until it was his turn to speak. All of these bases have great historical significance to the country and So. NDY0MWUwZGM0ZTg1NTQyOTdiMWRiZGNlOTZmYmY1ZGQ2NzllMTQ3Njk0N2U3 I had terrible lower stomach problems during my time at El Toro which was more than two years of service. Laura was the first person to receive disability benefits related to TCE exposure. I later met an owner of a pesticide spraying company that the farmers on Tustin used to spray their fields. I work, ate, drink and lived on base. Human health effects of trichloroethylene: key findings and scientific issues. ok We use cookies on our website to allow you the best possible service. An environmental assessment of the MCAS Tustin base by the EPA revealed that the soil and water had large concentrations exceeding remedial goals of Dichloroethene, Trichloroethene (TCE), 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, Carve-Out (CO)-2, and other compounds resulting in contaminated groundwater plumes. "Memorandum of Agreement" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 1.1.3. The list of presumptive illness needs to be expanded and the VA needs to start recruiting people in for testing. The ground-water issue remains he most serious problem, however. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. I was stationed at El Toro from 93-95. The good news is that Tustin's Website includes the relevant Web links and the first few paragraphs about the base disclose the environmental problems. ZmM0YWFmMjY2MGExMDkxMjFkOWRkNWI1MTUwNmMyMTczZDBiN2IzZTdhODM2 The TCE is far from the only contaminant prominent at El Toro, another is PCE - perchloroethylene, another chemical degreaser, and another is Benzene, a fuel ingredient that is extremely dangerous. The Environmental Protection Agency identified 12 sites for cleanup. MzBiM2U5NjExZjhjMmMyYThlOGM0ZDhjZGE1MGU1MWUxMmNmZTAwYzU0MjYz But we are dealing with something here that is much bigger than disclosure or public relations. I'd like to know more about all this. now im having severe pain and the va cant seem to find out whats causing these issues.coincidence i think not. I was diagnosed in 2000 with a liver problem. At the El Toro air station, the Marines in recent years have identified 14 sites, including several landfills and firefighter training pits, where hazardous wastes such as jet fuel and paint thinners may have been dumped in the past. Trouble is, this is a big place, and people forget that were like a small city. Njg5YTQ2MDRjYTliZTY0NWJkMzQxMDYyNGMxNjljM2UyMTRhYjQyNjRmNjIy That 110,000-gallon storage tank was found to be in good condition, but a feeder line carrying high-performance jet fuel had a tiny leak, which has been patched, county officials said. I'm currently 70% disabled through the VA and I'm still awaiting my Navy Medical Records. From the article, Irvine Great Park CEO Michael D. Ellzey: Is This Man An Imposter? Fortunately, todays Marine is much more sensitive to the environment than 10 years ago. Will never forget the late night phone call I received informing me that there was a very strong smell of fuel around the HMM-164 Flight Line. According to the Federal government, the PFAS used at bases is in the form of firefighting aqueous film forming foam (AFFF). 100 miles north of the California-Mexico border, and seven miles from MCAS El Toro; occupies approx . This base was one of the main aviation support facilities on the West Coast. While Ray sought treatment for his deteriorating health, his wife, Laura Alkofer, fought with the VA for benefits to pay for Rays medical treatment. Chiu WA, Jinot J, Scott CS, Makris SL et al. I was just tested for heavy metals and was found to have arsenic and lead, mercury and 2 others whose name i can't remember. None of these sites has yet been excavated or tested, so it is not known whether they contain any high levels of toxic wastes or radioactive material. What seems to be overlooked here is that we did things VERY differently back in the day. I started smoking in boot camp in San Diego and camp Pendleton Second ITR training and was on leave when Join F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1964 and was ordered back to base canceling boot camp leave. I was stationed at MCAS Tustin for approximately 7 years. In the Voice of OC article, Tests Reveal Likely Carcinogen Under County Building, Norberto Santana Jr. wrote on 5 March 2012, that "County officials, who have resisted calls for toxic testing at the site for years, are now moving to expand soils testing and will likely have the building evacuated.". El Toro Marine Corps Air Station (2005) by Justin Ruhge We had a machine that held about 20 gallons that you put your parts into and it would agitate and clean the parts. Marine Corps Air Station Tustin is a former United States Marine Corps air station, located in Tustin, California. -----END REPORT-----. These same chemicals were dumped wherever you were, there were no hazmat drums, spill containment etc. These restrictions were not addressed in the Proposed Plan for the No Action sites because the groundwater contamination is not related to Marine Corps activities that occurred at . On July 3, 1999, MCAS Tustin was officially closed, 57 years after the base and its iconic hangars arose from the farm fields of Orange County. YzExZDVhMjhkMzNhN2QwMGIwZWZjNmZhMDQ5ZWQzNDNmZDQzODI2MGNmYzQx Military.com is a good place to start. Lower stomach issues are commonly related including intestinal colitis which one of my sons suffers from. His VA disability got declined five times before he received a 70% disability until 2019, when the VA decided to process full disability. MCAS Tustin Hangar 2 is a hall in Tustin, California, U.S.A.. View a detailed profile of the structure 241621 including further data and descriptions in the Emporis database. In a recent report, the Department of Defense mentioned 12 bases with dangerous levels of toxic PFAS in groundwater. The contamination of the base's wells [and ingestion of toxins in the drinking water] made national news on CNN. ----- Date: 09/24/97 DECLARATION SITE NAME AND LOCATION Site 24, Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Source Area - Operable Unit 2A (OU-2A) - Vadose Zone Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El Toro Santa Ana, California 92709 STATEMENT OF BASIS AND PURPOSE This Interim Record of Decision (ROD) presents the selected remedial action for vadose zone soil at Site 24 at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) El . Orange County's Tustin Marine Corps Air Station has contaminated one well with 770,000 ppt of PFOS/PFOA. The TCE controversy illustrates one of the most persistent complaints about the corps: its slow response to resolving environmental problems. Airship patrols along the California coast were conducted 24 hours a day from the LTA bases at Tustin and Moffett Field. Like so many others I served at MCAS Tustin, starting as CO of HMM-164 and later serving as MAG-16 XO, Ca.1980-1983. I am going to site Camp Lejeune as possible proof that MCAS Tustin and El Toro caused these conditions. You just need to claim your condition was caused by the water or even connected to your military service. Those who already know that El Toro is a Superfund site, will not be surprised to learn that Tustin has similar problems and while there is no real support from the government at this point, it will do former Tustin Marines good to understand that their health may have been compromised just like the Marines from El Toro. A few friends and I who normally performed 'tactical refueling' of Marine jets at El Toro, were sent to Tustin to revive the use of a large above-ground jet fuel tank. Salem-News.com is an Independent Online Newsgroup in the United States, setting the standard for the future of News. Posted in Uncategorized. MWVlMWJkZTUyZWUzYzdlZDA0YjMxZjJhOWFjMDFiNWQ1NjkxZDc2N2MyNThl 2013. NjU2YTAzMjIzYWZkNzQyNjY4OWJhZmMzMmFlYTk3NjQ5YTdlMDlmYjg1MTFh We do know that watershed also released these toxins into the water supply of the nearby community. Since then I've had multiple Electro Cardioversions (shock the heart) as well as a Heart Ablation. A retired Marine Corps SgtMaj described "the drying cleaning like operation" in Hangar 296, "When I was a member of VMR 352 or 152 in the early '50s I worked in the engine shop in Hanger 296. . Tustin is a really nice place, let's hope for the best, thanks so much. Financial Services Center. My email is: rickritter78@yahoo.com MjJlNmVjMzkzZGZjMWZlZDAxM2ZmMTFjMWZmZTJmM2I0MzNkN2EzMTdiMzUx U.S. Marine internal reports highlight serious flaws in training and suggest that the lessons of past accidents have not been effectively implemented. In 1991, a portion of the former MCAS Tustin was selected for closure, and additional portions of the facility were selected for closure in 1993. Cal., not to mention the great memories for families like mine. MCAS Tustin. OTk2OTZjOTU4ZmIyNzY4MmUyZGI3MmUxMzcyMzQyZjhhYWI2NDQyNTlmMDdm I got this through a friend on Facebook. Lucky I was still active duty and was medically retired a year later. I can't say exactly what happened, I recall being told the lines had rusted out and I'm sure that probably is exactly what happened. Like his compatriots . But Orange County Water District officials warn that if the polluted ground water, which has contaminated several miles of the aquifer, is not removed, it eventually could seep into Irvines domestic drinking supplies. The Marines conducted their own study and found TCE-contaminated ground water at three locations on the base. ZTgwZTEyNjQ0MjM2YTdkN2QxZDZiNmFmNjhjOGUwMmJjYTljZjE2ZTFkZjI1 At former MCAS El Toro, veterans and dependents reported cancer and other . but also was responsible for the ground support equipment for HMM-362 3dMaw MCAF. Digestive issues, every piece of cartridge and joint in my body is ravaged! I have to take medication in order to just swallow including liquids due to me esophagus not working properly. The extremely quick and secretive cleanup or coverup I should say was driven by greed of developers wanting the property, coupled with the Dept. PO Box 149200. MjEzOTA2NjAwNDU4MDYzNGI1MzQwN2VlMDgyYTBkODlmMzRjNDFkMWJhMmE2 Purpose of this petition is request the Navy's Public Health Center to evaluate the risks of occupational exposure to TCE and other contaminants at MCAS El Toro, including the El Toro Marine Corps School (ETMS) and to perform a chromosome breakage test (blood test) to confirm radiation exposure. I worked primality as a motor mech.
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