And you're invited, too, me hearties. But now it's back to you, Greg. Watch out, Captain, i'm underneath you. But i'm getting really hungry. Oh, yes, of course. (Song: Let's Make Some Rosy Tea a scene where The Wiggles & their friends are having a drink some rosy tea except Henry), Dorothy: (giggles) He heeee! Hello, everyone, we're The Wiggles! Greg: Huh! Henry talks about you all the time. (Song: Let's Have A Barbie On The Beach a scene where someone who put The Wiggles vinyl record & turns on the record player while The Wiggles, their friends & their dancer are gonna have a barbecue picnic.). We're on our way to Wiggle Bay. Anthony: Hey-hey-hey! Oh, over there. Whoa! Anthony: Fantastic. In the sand. it could be buried in the sand? Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho! not a quay, quay. (The story begins where The Wiggly Group and the Sesame Street Muppets are rowing our boat as we start the Song: Wiggle Bay). Hey, that rhymes. day and bay. I can't wait for the barbie on the beach. (He pushes the button to stop.) the Wiggles Show! Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho! Magdalena: I sing in "Henry's Underwater Big Band". Title Card Wally: Ladies and gentle. ), (And with one last colour change which is from red to blue, the copyright endboard is shown. Dorothy: (She saw that the Wiggles are coming visit to ask.) Uh, I hope so. While Anthony, Murray & Jeff are rolling down thesandhills. Greg: (Greg takes a note & reading a message) "If you find the magic shell." (He's speaking is gibberish since he doesn't know how to pronounce these words). (Shot transition to a cartoon picture of Greg while the News Theme plays in the background then it fades to Greg talking about Dorothy visited a wildlife park to see some Australian animals). Contents 1 Song List 2 Plot 3 CD Songs 4 Release Dates 5 Trivia 6 References Song List Note: All songs are from the album of the same name, except where noted otherwise. Greg: I can see what you mean. Sailing Around the World (video)/Transcript. After scouting a couple of random locations with the audience's help, they find that Wags has located a spot. But a quay is where you tie your boat up. (to camera) Where's Captain Feathersword gone? Dorothy: It's beautiful. Anthony: He's been gone a long time. Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo! Come on. September 30, 2002 (VHS/DVD) May 6, 2003 (VHS/DVD) July 23, 2007 (DVD) October 9, 2007 (DVD re-release) Dorothy: (She giggles that is gonna see what's written the words on it) Ooh! (Song:Weather, Weather, Weather then a wild and woolly weather with some sheep sounds falling through the sky & landed down to the ground), Captain Feathersword: Wha-hoo! Greg: Ah, but see, there's a note inside it. Murray: Thank you for you help. Jeff: Don't you ever get cold in the water? Greg: (singing) You'll dance up a storm at the beach or the ballroom. Largest range of Wiggles Toys Greg: In Australia, we love to have barbecues and we call them barbies. Dorothy: (She giggles since The Wiggles are gonna back back very soon.) Jeff: I've got my guitar. Guys, they think we should ask Dorothy The Dinosaur. Ruff! Oh, silly old Captain! Hoo-hoo! (They were all running since while gonna find a big hole.). Wha-ho! (They were all going out to do a Song: Dancing In The Sand while as they are gonna dance with The Wiggly Dancers. Anthony casts his line into the water along with the whole rod. They found a magic shell, a curious note and Magdalena the beautiful mermaid! Let's have some rosy tea first. There we go. Good luck, bye. Oh, dear! Greg: Oh, no. Greg: Oh, we know, Wags. Uh-oh! Dorothy: Good idea. Dorothy: Yes, great idea! Hoo, hoo, hoo! [Goofy] Whistle while you work. Another idea. It's one of the biggest paper chains in the world, I think. Ha-ha! )/Transcript, Episode 29 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! In the sand. it could be buried in the sand? Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Hey, Wags. Hurry up! (to camera.) Maybe tea for 200. ), (The Other Wiggles: (singing) We love rosy tea, let's make some rosy tea). Greg: Yeah, but where should we start digging? That's one heavy koala! Jeff: (He grabs the golden key one more) You can't give it to just anyone. )/Transcript, Episode 30 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! They'd be great to roll down! Actually it was pouring. Anthony: Murray, um, she can't dance. Anthony: (He's singing in a low note) come along and run with me. Henry: Just there. Anthony: (laughing) Well, everybody, thanks for playing "Wake up Jeff!" (He is giving a special gift for Dorothy.). Hoo hoo hoo hoo! And it's cold and i'm getting hungry. Wags: (offscreen.) The Wiggles Wiggle Bay by The Wiggles. (He's making the sound of a frilled neck lizard.). Oh, one big hole. And are you using the stapler to do that, Baxter? (They were all going to see Dorothy The Dinosaur), Wags: Ruff! Anthony: Looks like a good idea. But, Captain, Wags, what do you think? C'mon, wiggle all ten toes! C'mon, wiggle to this song, Wiggle to this song! And to have babies. Next Love to go rolling. We're using staplers to staple our paper chains together. And don't forget the romp bomp a stomp! not a quay, quay. Greg: Not that sort of quay, Captain. )/Transcript, Episode 11 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Dorothy: (offscreen) Wow! key? Hey, (He's holding a seashell.) Captain Feathersword: (He's holding too many things to unpacking those things) Oh, here I am, Greg. 22-minute episode)/Transcript, Water Play (22-minute episode)/Transcript, Where's Jeff? That was great. You can't give it to just anyone. But right now, everybody, have a look at the excitement. She's got a tail instead of legs. Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party (video)/Transcript. Captain Feathersword: (holding his weathersword) Ho-ho! Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Anthony: A long, long, time ago, in a valley below, there were 4 little flowers living under a big old tree. (The Wiggly Group are setting up to play a game called volleyball & making time-lapsed while Wiggly Sports Theme instrumental track playing in the background), (The Wiggly Group are playing volleyball while hitting a ball instead of catching it), Anthony: Get ready, everybody! I'll put it on my special shelf for all my friends to see. Greg: About being stuck and not able to get home? I've just made a pot of rosy tea. What's that? Let's have some rosy tea first. Anthony: Wags, you're a champion digger, but we've got some serious digging to do. Joseph Field: And now, a Wiggly Community Service Announcement. Captain Feathersword: (singing in a high voice) Let's all play and sing, Murray: (singing in a low voice) let's all play and sing, Captain Feathersword: (singing in a high voice) Let's all play, Let's all play, (After the song finishes while Murray & Captain Feathersword uses their finger into our ears cause that was pretty loud then shot transition to Jeff, Anthony & Murray are waving goodbye to the screen except Greg bouncing a ball then it translates to Dorothy saying goodbye and Captain saying goodbye and Dorothy opening the cabinet door during the Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (Shot transition to Greg is playing a game of chasing tag). Greg: I can see what you mean. Girl #1: Yeah, I picked a baby one up before. Magdalena: No, mermaids don't get cold in the sea; it's where we live. Captain Feathersword: I forgot to tie up the boat and now it's drifted out to sea. Hey, listen, Captain, they've got another idea. It has to be somebody we can trust. A scene where The Other Wiggles are standing in the bush while The Wiggly Dancers, their friends & Greg are gonna sing & dance to the zing zang song. Greg: But I can't read the rest of it, though. Looks like a lot of fun. King Neptune: Hi, it's king, King Neptune. Ruff! (The Sesame Street Muppets and The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay). (Song: Let's Make Some Rosy Tea a scene where The Wiggles & their friends are having a drink some rosy tea except Henry. 3D " is the next video special by The Wiggles, released on July 25, 2003. Hoo-hoo! I found something. Here comes our first contestant, our only contestant, he wears yellow Greg Wiggle. Oh, I like the wombat button. Welcome to Anthony's Workshop. )/Transcript, Episode 26 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! The US cover has a noticeably different design on the surfboard. Oh, Captain, Captain, oh! (Her swims in her dance move.). Henry tells me you sing, too. "If you find me, give me to someone who will enjoy my beauty.". Wiggle Time! Captain Feathersword: Oh, the tides taken it out to sea. Hey, let's go play volleyball. All: Magdalena! Hey, Wiggles, come on meet my friend. )/Transcript, Episode 51 (Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! Captain Feathersword: (singing) Whoa ho, oh it's a lovely, Captain Feathersword: (singing) Oh, you can dig for buried treasure. Magdalena: Oh, it's you, Dorothy. The Wiggles net a shell with some writing on it, saying to pass it to someone you like. Murray: Oh, that looks like (He's pretending that the key turns to unlock the door knob & then it opens up.) That was great. Dorothy: Oh, it's lovely. Come on, everybody. It was released on September 30, 2002. Henry: Whoa! (He picks up a bottle.) The quiz show where we find Jeff. But hang on, have a look at this. Ruff! Directed by They see something glittering in the water. Murray: Let's take a sip and yell "YIPPEE!". Captain Feathersword: Whoo ho! Anthony: Ah. Captain Feathersword: Oh, "C'est Wags, C'est Bon". Magdalena: And that's where King Neptune keeps all his treasures. This is my friend, Magdalena the Mermaid. Anthony: Yeah, I tell you what, zing zang zong let's sing a song. Anthony: Hang on, we've got to find it exactly. ), Dorothy: Hello? Oh, of course. Someone will find it. That's a great idea. You know, it's lots of fun to have a barbie down on the beach with lots of food. Captain Feathersword: You mean a key, key. Ahoy there, me hearties! About; Blog; Projects; Help; Donate. Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho! Greg: Hmm, I'm guessing sleepy animals. Nicholas Bufalo ), Greg: (singing) Come along, bring a friend and some food, (The Other Wiggles: (singing) Knives and forks are ready to go now), (Captain Feathersword: Ho ho, those barbies on the beach. (Anthony's eating a sandwich & sitting on a lounge chair & Henry is using his binoculars to see something very far away but there was a problem.). Dorothy: (holding a news microphone) Thank you, Greg, and hello, everybody. But, now, I'd better get back to "Network Wiggles". Its time to create! Worauf Sie als Kunde bei der Auswahl der Nici qid achten sollten. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! We've got to find a (He's pretending that the key turns to unlock the door knob & then it opens up.) Would you like some? We've found the golden key. Greg: Yeah, but, first we'd better wake Jeff up, huh? Come along and roll with me. (Greg is calling Wags & Captain to catch the net.) The Wiggles meet Magdalena the Mermaid and Captain Feathersword has a dance with her, originated from Mexico, called the Cachuca. How did you get there? The Wiggles find a bottle with a message but some of the writing has been smudged out from the water. I'm Anthony. Captain Feathersword: Oh ho I love that Wiggle Bay! Wiggles: (singing) Tea, when it runs in abundance, enhances, Dorothy: (singing) The reckless delight of the wildest of dances, (Wiggles: (singing) To the pretty, pitter, pitter, patter), Captain Feathersword: (singing) The clittler, clitter, clitter, clatter, (Wiggles: (singing) Clitter, clitter, clatter), Captain Feathersword: (singing) Pitter, pitter, patter, Captain Feathersword: (singing) And the clitter, clitter, clitter, clatter, Wiggles: (singing) Pitter, pitter, pitter, Dorothy: (singing) Romp bomp a stomp, Manzanilla, Montero, (Wiggles: (singing) For tea, when it runs in abundance), The wildest of dances, the reckless delight, (Wiggles: (singing) For tea, when it runs in abundance, enhances, The reckless delight of the wildest of dances), Enhances the reckless delight of the wildest of dances, (Captain Feathersword: Wah hoo hoo! (Magdalena is waving to the Wiggly Group while she's gonna have a swim while Wiggly Community Service Announcement instrumental track is playing in the background and she dissappears in the waves but then a scene translated to the part where a bottle is shown while The Wiggles are gonna get it). ), Greg: Over there. Captain Feathersword: And there's no quays around here anywhere. The fish don't seem to be biting today. Henry: (The boat stopped at Wiggly Bay since were here) Whoa! They live in a hole. Wiggle Bay (intro) . Watch out, Captain, i'm underneath you. Greg: (Greg takes a note & reading a message.) (Song:Zing Zang Wing Wang Wong. Just, uh, just here? (They were all gonna wake Jeff up that Jeff's snoring), Greg: Ready, everybody? Girl # 4: So they can have homes. Anthony: Hey-hey-hey! Anthony: Well, I think it's beautiful. Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, no, Murray. Captain Feathersword: Oh, a wombat?
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